If you’re like me, you’ve been watching your nickels and dimes a little closer lately. Even if you don’t have a big budget, you can still have a great party, you just have to do more yourself, and start planning early so you can watch for bargains.
If you have a birthday party, shower, graduation, or holiday party coming up, but you don’t want to spend a fortune here are a few tips.
- Check out the local dollar store, or the dollar section of stores like Target. You can often find tons of really cute party favor ideas, favor bags, and supplies to make centerpieces and decorations for a fraction of the cost of supermarkets.
- Keep it simple. If you’re planning a themed party like Justin Bieber, everything at the party doesn’t have to be that theme, with licensed merchandise. Use another sub-theme, like music (decorate with cardboard cutout music notes, or decorate cardboard cutout guitars), or use stars and glitter decorations. You can use a solid col color for your plates and napkins, since they’ll be disposed of after using. Better yet, use plates that can be reused or recycled. The children will still get the idea, and your party will cost less.
- Make your own decorations and centerpieces for the party. You can usually purchase the things you need for way less than you can purchase pre-made table decorations. Even if you’re not crafty you can make some simple decorations and table centerpieces for your party.
- Check out eBay, it’s one of my favorite resources for unique party items that don’t cost a fortune.
If you planned a party recently on a budget, please feel free to share how you cut costs and still planned a great celebration.
Are those Giant Cupcakes yours?
Diana~ My sister and I made them.