I was recently working on planning a birthday party for a ten year old boy, in other words, my son. Well, a soon to be ten year old boy.We considered several themes and ideas for his birthday party.
I tried to talk him into a creepy crawly bug party, with dirt cake, and gummy worms. He’s a huge Pokemon fan, so I thought maybe he might be into a Pokemon party, but he said no to both. I think he’s almost outgrowing the theme party ideas.
He did consider a LEGO party, or a skateboarding party, but vetoed them in the end and settled in on a guitar hero party or rock star party.
Some other great ideas for a boys 10 year old birthday party include:
- A bowling party
- Skating party
- Backyard water party~ The boys will have a blast throwing water balloons at each other, running through sprinklers, and shooting water guns.
- A movie party~ whatever their favorite movie is right now. My son loves anything action adventure.
- Sports party~ If the birthday boy is into any kind of sports, or a sports team, center the theme of his party around that sport.
- Video game party~ There are some great video game party themes out there, including
Mario Kart Wiiand Ratchet and Clank
- An Angry Birds party, or another favorite app could make a fun birthday party theme.
Image via istockphoto.com
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